NYFS Welcomes St. Anthony New Brighton School District

HomeBlogNYFS Welcomes St. Anthony New Brighton School District
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NYFS is pleased to announce the expansion of our School Based Mental Health Program to the St. Anthony New Brighton School District.

“This expansion is a great fit,” says School Based Mental Health Programs Manager Steven Lutes, “NYFS already serves the district through our mental health clinics and community service programs – adding mental health support in the schools means we now offer a full range of services. This was the missing piece of the puzzle.”

Three therapists will be serving youth at the elementary, middle and high school level. Lutes adds that therapists have been working with school staff for weeks and are already connecting with families to help ensure a smooth transition into the new school year.

NYFS has 11 School Based Mental Health Therapists and three interns serving 13 schools in four school districts including Roseville, White Bear Lake and Mounds View. Therapists provide individual and group therapy to help youth address issues related to trauma, depression and anxiety. Having access to support during the school day ensures that youth access can access help when and where they need it.

In addition to working with youth, therapists collaborate with school staff to support student mental health needs to create a better social, emotional and academic outcomes for students, teachers and schools. “We are here for both the student and the school,” Lutes says.



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Northeast Youth & Family Services is a nonprofit, community-based, and trauma-informed mental health and community services organization that has been serving your friends and neighbors in the northeastern Saint Paul suburbs since 1976. Among our many programs, we offer two convenient mental health clinic locations in Shoreview and White Bear Lake, MN.

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Fx: 651-486-3858

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3490 Lexington Ave N
Shoreview, MN 55126

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