Strong connections with adults, peers and other support systems are a building block for healthy individuals, families, and our community.
The Community Connections Program supports the creation of these bonds through a seven-week, group-based experience for youth that builds social skills, self-confidence, and resilience through career exploration, self-reflection and volunteer activities including contacts with local schools, nonprofits, and other organizations that can help youth meet their goals.
It is offered to youth ages 12-17 in the White Bear Lake and Roseville area who are currently isolated and would benefit from deeper and healthier connections with peers, adults, and their community.
Creating Community & A Positive Sense of Identity in 7 Weeks
Over seven weekly sessions, the program creates community with a group of youth who interact with each other, with adult facilitators and role models.
Each session has a specific focus and outcome:
Community Service
Through a service opportunity with a local non-profit, youth learn of their power to offer help, building a sense of self-efficacy as well as a work ethic and a sense of belonging.
Career Exploration
By learning about and using the resources at their local library, youth expand their understanding of future career pathways
Skill Development
By learning about and using the resources at their local library, youth know how to take full advantage of a free, accessible resource in their community that supports their personal and professional aspirations.
A tour of St. Paul College or Century College provides a real-world exploration of affordable, attainable, post-secondary career options
Life Skills Exploration
At the community center, youth learn how to use a local resource that supports their physical and mental health
Scheduled one-on-one meetings with a Career Professional
Youth learn how to create and maintain professional networks with caring members of the community
Case Closure Meeting
Individual assessment of progress and identification of how parents/caregivers can work with the youth to continue to build engagement and momentum.
Parents and guardians are included in this process but youth take the lead in identifying their strengths and opportunities for growth while developing a plan for success after high school.
They are also introduced to activities that promote healthy living through nutrition, fitness, routine setting, time management, goal setting and moderation.
The program is offered on a quarterly basis and openings are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost is $200 for the entire seven-week series. A sliding fee scale is available for attendees to eliminate financial barriers to this program. Roseville residents may sign up free of charge due to a grant from the Roseville Area Community Foundation.
Take Your Next Step
For more information about the Community Connections Program, please call our offices at 651-486-3808.
I learned adult skills… Everything we did was helpful for the future…I know what kind of job I want…I made friends.
Quotes from Community Connections Program Graduates