Community Advocacy

Amanda Donley, MA

Amanda earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota, Morris and her master’s in forensic psychology from the University of North Dakota. With years of experience in special education, intensive outpatient programming, crisis response, and advocacy she is motivated to work with youth and young adult survivors of trauma and abuse. As [...]

Lexa Harmon

Lexa received her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from St. Cloud State University. Previously, she worked at Family Pathways providing advocacy to victim-survivors in rural Minnesota. As a Restoring Power Advocate, Lexa works with adult victim-survivors who have experienced abusive behaviors from others. She offers services including legal advocacy, safety planning, and emotional support. Lexa uses [...]

Morgan Merritt

As Community Advocate, Morgan works with 5 police departments within suburban Ramsey County to connect referred individuals to community resources and services like housing stability programs, financial assistance, mental health support, and chemical dependency support. She builds and maintains close relationships with different county and non-profit organizations to refer clients to their provided services. Morgan [...]

Samuel McGinnity

Sam helps walk young people who have engaged in a crime through the Youth Pathways Program. Youth are referred to the program in lieu of going to juvenile court. He also oversees this program, including both diversion and community connections services. The Community Connections program connects youth to healthy resources in their community as well [...]

Northeast Youth & Family Services Logo

Northeast Youth & Family Services is a nonprofit, community-based, and trauma-informed mental health and community services organization that has been serving your friends and neighbors in the northeastern Saint Paul suburbs since 1976. Among our many programs, we offer two convenient mental health clinic locations in Shoreview and White Bear Lake, MN.

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Call us to schedule an intake appointment today

Ph: 651-486-3808
Fx: 651-486-3858

Main Office

3490 Lexington Ave N
Shoreview, MN 55126

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