New Client Forms

HomeConnect with NYFSNew Client Forms

Before Your First Appointment

Multiple forms need to be filled out and brought with you to your first appointment, as well as your insurance card and photo ID, which will be photocopied for our billing records. Please give the completed forms to our business staff at the front desk when you arrive. You can either print these forms out and bring hard copies, or you can email them to us at [email protected].

Northeast Youth & Family Services would like to thank you in advance for choosing our agency for your health care needs. It is our pleasure serving you.

Northeast Youth & Family Services Logo

Northeast Youth & Family Services is a nonprofit, community-based, and trauma-informed mental health and community services organization that has been serving your friends and neighbors in the northeastern Saint Paul suburbs since 1976. Among our many programs, we offer two convenient mental health clinic locations in Shoreview and White Bear Lake, MN.

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Call us to schedule an intake appointment today

Ph: 651-486-3808
Fx: 651-486-3858

Main Office

3490 Lexington Ave N
Shoreview, MN 55126

All Locations